Saturday, April 24, 2010


Sometimes I wonder...Why do we preserve some things above others? Why do we keep a diary gifted by a special person in the deepest racks of our closet? Why do we preserve a rose presented by a loved one in the pages of our diary even if its has withered? Why do we keep a pen gifted by someone close to the heart, in our lockers?

The reason as to why we preserve these things is because they remind us of the people who are associated with them...and the feelings that were associated with these people...and above all they remind us of the love we shared with them...

But what if such things create any sort of hindrance in a greater cause? What if our desire to preserve such things above others eventually becomes the reason of someone we truly love, being hurt? What if sometimes we go to such a large extent that in doing so, we create a huge mess?

Last night I was having a talk with some of my friends.... we were having maggie and suddenly one of my friends pulled a book my father had gifted me from my rack (this book was something I had preserved from my childhood days)....While doing so the book fell from her hands and some of the pages were torn...I lost my temper and started screaming at her...Then later I realized that I had done a big mistake...after all it was just a book...and the pages can be piled up and bound again...but once a knot is formed in a relation, it cannot be removed...
After all at the end of the day, a thing will always remain a thing...It can never compensate for any person living or dead...

There are just some things that make life important, like people we know who are special. And so, we should learn to keep them close...

After all things are created to be used and people are created to be loved...


  1. its all about feelings associated with something be it living or non living some people love both and some use both, the people and the thing.

  2. Feelings are associated with both living and non-living things...but the thing things have feelings...but non-living things don't...thats a big difference...and thats what this post was all about.

  3. Well then I have no interest in convincing you...unless you disclose your identity..

  4. hi im praveen .....and the first comment was mine......well it was nt at all wrong from ur part to shout but the best thing was that u realised at last......maybe it made ur bond much stronger with ur friends because this showed that if u care fr a non living thing to such extent, how much more u might care for them.
