Monday, April 5, 2010

Whats Right and Whats Wrong?

The other day one of my friends gave me a remark as "Whatever you did was wrong"...These lines kept coming to my mind throughout the day...kept disturbing me...I kept thinking if what I did was actually wrong...

Then I thought....What is actually right and what is wrong?...Why is something called the right thing and something else called the wrong thing?...Who decides whats right and whats wrong?
I kept thinking...
Then I realized that basically there is nothing called Right and Wrong..These are a set of standards laid by the society which one is supposed to follow....If you abide by these standards then you are Right and if you don't then you are Wrong...

The society is always orthodox...It never allows to think differently...If you take a look in the past, It has always been that the people who made a difference, always went against the society's standards...

Basically its in the way you perceive...Smoking may be the right thing for many of you, and a wrong thing for all comes down to what YOU think...If you think its the right thing, then no doubt it is..and if you think its not, then of course its not...Its all about YOU...If you can explain to yourself that what you did was right,then nothing can be wrong!!...After all, at the end of the day, its YOU who needs a sound sleep.....:)

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