Saturday, May 1, 2010


Finally I am over with my semester exams, and I can pour out all that I am holding inside for the last one week. I haven't felt the need to blog more desperately than I am feeling right prepare yourself while a take a deep breath and start from the start...

This week has been an interesting one...actually the thing is..I love the exam times...especially after coming to Raipur...I would blame my course for that...It keeps me so burdened all year round with submissions, that I enjoy the times when I don't have this burden on my head...The only bad thing is that we have to write our papers in a classroom which is not less than an oven..:(

But the most beautiful thing this week offered was the rain...It was a welcoming break...A reason to pull my nose out of my lappy and take the smell of the first rains...the cool air gently touching your cheeks and the mild fragrance which the air carries with itself....ohh I love it soo much...And the scorching heat of Raipur makes it even more special...the leaves and branches of the trees would relieve their parching throats, bending and submitting themselves to the heavy downpour...

Today was the 2nd time it rained in this week...or I can say...this month...The rains have always been something I look forward to..something I wait eagerly for...I just love the gole guppas and the rickshaw rides...Today was a whole rainy day package....long walks, rickshaw rides, gole guppas, slight was awesome!!...something I'l remember for days to come...Right now while I'm sitting in my room and writing this blog, the cool breeze with the aroma of wet bark is gently sweeping past my cheeks.....mmmmm...delicious!!

I have always enjoyed the rains, and will continue to do so.... In the present circumstances it will require extra efforts from me...I don't mind though - anything for that refreshing feeling and that breathtaking beauty of nature that comes with the rains. It can magically pull me away from everything else around me, and make me forget everything... Everything!


  1. well this i really lively.....although rain wont continue but whenevr we need it again we can read ur post to get the essence of it again....really awesome...

  2. your post is as fresh as the unexpected rain..this week !! :)
