Saturday, April 24, 2010


Sometimes I wonder...Why do we preserve some things above others? Why do we keep a diary gifted by a special person in the deepest racks of our closet? Why do we preserve a rose presented by a loved one in the pages of our diary even if its has withered? Why do we keep a pen gifted by someone close to the heart, in our lockers?

The reason as to why we preserve these things is because they remind us of the people who are associated with them...and the feelings that were associated with these people...and above all they remind us of the love we shared with them...

But what if such things create any sort of hindrance in a greater cause? What if our desire to preserve such things above others eventually becomes the reason of someone we truly love, being hurt? What if sometimes we go to such a large extent that in doing so, we create a huge mess?

Last night I was having a talk with some of my friends.... we were having maggie and suddenly one of my friends pulled a book my father had gifted me from my rack (this book was something I had preserved from my childhood days)....While doing so the book fell from her hands and some of the pages were torn...I lost my temper and started screaming at her...Then later I realized that I had done a big mistake...after all it was just a book...and the pages can be piled up and bound again...but once a knot is formed in a relation, it cannot be removed...
After all at the end of the day, a thing will always remain a thing...It can never compensate for any person living or dead...

There are just some things that make life important, like people we know who are special. And so, we should learn to keep them close...

After all things are created to be used and people are created to be loved...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Its Mango season...yay!!

Ahhh.....finally its mango season again... I had my first mango today...actually I could have have it earlier..but I was waiting for the nice ones to come in before I could do the jaiganesh of the mango season..:P

Well to be frank, mangoes are the only reason I tolerate the summers...thats the only good thing about it..I just love the times when we sit down all day eating cartons of mangoes...I even love the shakes and juices but nothing can be compared to the actual has its side effects like getting pimples all over your face..but its all worth it...after all its 'mangoes' we are talking about...
I remember the days when, at times of family gatherings, we used to eat mangoes all day...we used to chop the raw mangoes, put some salt and red chilli powder in it, put the whole mixture in a cloth and rotate it in the sun...and then as soon as the cloth was unfolded, the whole thing would be finished in max 5 seconds!!
Maybe in the future i'l start a mango lovers club and eat mangoes all day and leave the place pimple faced and not give a damn about it...yeah that would definitely be great...:P

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Room sweet Room

My favourite surfing spot???..My room sweet room of course!!!

Now let me tell you the reason why my room sweet room is my favourite surfing spot...The room sweet room I am talking here is my hostel in college....I have been away from home and my hostel in Raipur here is like my second home (well, it's actually my only home in Raipur). And as a nerdy undergraduate, I spend most of my time in my room sweet room surfing the internet (ah...yes, I am nerdy like this if your talking about net surfing...:P).

Besides,I am a me-time person...I love having some me-time in my room sweet room doing nothing but surfing the internet with my favourite music on....I just enjoy moments like this...I can surf the internet..visiting my favourite sites like Facebook, blogs and many more...Surfing the internet in my room sweet room has become one of my favourite pastimes...It's one of the effective ways to de-stress and shoo away my frustrations too...tell me can my room sweet room not be my favourite surfing spot??

Monday, April 19, 2010

Random II

It was around 1 o'clock in the afternoon and the sun was high when we (me and my friends) set off for Bhilai....We were done with our 'structures' exam and our spirits were up...I dint had a bike with myself, but managed to console everyone that I can drive pretty well and won't drive too fast...
We then set off in three bikes in the scorching heat of the afternoon....After some time I got a call from one of my friends asking me to stop...then I realized that they were left far behind...I stopped near a tree and waited for the rest...After about 5 minutes, the four of them came and started screaming at me.."kunmun itna recklessly drive karti hai.....highway hai.... dheere chalaya kar...accident ho jayega...80 se neeche toh gaadi chalti hi nai time tu mat drive karna."....etc etc etc...Oh! I wish I had a camera to capture the expressions on their faces....All this time I was wondering if I really drove this fast?...Ah!...Who cares!!...I again started to drive at the same speed...after all, this was what I wanted......A long drive...a nice bike( the bike I had was a nice one as it was only a few months old)....a beautiful road....and most importantly ...Speed!!...Now that I had everything I wanted I dint wanted anyone to drown my I continued...

Now a bigger parcel was waiting for me...when we reached our destination, more of these scoldings continued...I don't remember any of them as I wasn't actually listening to them...but the worst part was..I wasn't allowed to drive anymore during our stay in Bhilai and on the way back to Raipur...:(...sad sad sad...:(

Friday, April 16, 2010

I just don't understand why the phone starts blinking once the batteries are low....Dear phone... c'mon have some common sense...If your energies are running on low, why are you wasting whatever little energy you have been left with?

Sheesh....what a waste!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Raipur Snapshots

I'm just jotting down some things that I came to know about Raipur since the last 3 years

1.Traffic in raipur is mad. Oh and that’s because the people are mad. They never slow down, ever.

2.You will find delicious Gulab Jamuns in 'Sharma chaat bhandaar', near gahdi chowk... its yummy...!!

3.The local film posters one word..hideous!!

4.You will find 7 of 10 girls in striped tops.

5.The weather is...aweful! Summer persists for three fourths of the year...the rest one fourth is Autumn....No Winter!!!

6.The city has got very little greenery...whatever trees are left, these people are chopping them off as well to increase to road width (told you..mad people)

7.Auto rikshaw facility is very good...very rarely you will feel the need of a private vehicle.

8.Even after almost 5 years, many people still dont know that they have got an NIT in their city...

9.The shopkeepers at the local market charge you almost 50% more than branded stores.

10.A few days back a doctor at the local hospital prescribed me an anti-allergic (cetrizine) for an insect bite (I couldn't control my laughter, and started laughing at the doctors face).

11.Most doctors here would advise you to get admitted in their respective hospitals, along with glucose salines and injections of every sort even if you have got normal fever.

12.Raipur is littered with Marwari/Sindhi people...Nine out of Ten people you come across is a Marwari/Sindhi.

13. 75% of the people prefer overtaking from the left rather than right . Now thats bizzare. Told you..mad people.

14.As with every other city, there is nothing to do in Raipur except go to the malls and 'chill out',ogle at people who dress up to get noticed, eat fatty foods, buy overpriced items etc. Raipur also credits itself for having the ‘biggest mall in central India’. Wow, we really have developed!

15. City mall/Magneto are the places where all the students are hooked up doing the aforementioned things.

So all in all....I love Raipur!!...:P

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Today when I was done with my usual nighttime facebooking, I closed the lid of my lappy and went to sleep when I discovered that Vishi (my roomate), was having some sprain in her left arm. It was excruciatingly painful. I could almost feel it. We called our land-lady and took her to the hospital. It was 3 o'clock in the morning..

Now the funny thing is that, this was exactly the sort of thing my eerie unhappening life needs..There was a time when I could only dream of roaming in the streets of Raipur after Im in my 3rd year..and I live as a paying its not that difficult for me to stay out after sunset..but never in my wildest dreams had I dreamt of anything like this (being out at 3 in the morning..:P).I know I'm being a bit weird but this was really what I wanted to do right from my first day in Raipur. And I'm not sure whether I'm exaggerating or not. Maybe, maybe not, but this incident made it possible for me to watch the night life here in Raipur...not that Raipur has a night life..but still..It does make sense if you have ever been to Raipur..:P

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I'm Waiting..

It seems like ages
waiting for you..
keeping my eyes struck on the road
for you would walk on it someday...
I'm waiting...

I dream of the day...
when I'll see you...
when I'l feel you...
for that feeling would be worth everything else
And I'l wait for that feeling...

There was a day
when I wanted someone
just like everyone around me
but now it has changed
for now I want you and only you...

I keep wondering
If even you are waiting for me
thinking about me, at this very moment
and this very thought
makes my heart go gaga...

No matter how far is the distance
no matter how long it may seem
no matter how much time it may take
I'l wait for you...
for our love's sake.

I promise you
my love and my honesty
my care and my respect
that I'l be with you till my last breath
till death, till Eternity...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

On a Full Moon Night...

One fine morning, the blue fairy came and whispered in her ears "Your invitation to the fairy world has been accepted by the queen fairy.....You have an appointment with the queen at 12 midnight. For that you would need a pink gown with white frills, a pair of pink gloves, and a pair of pink pumps. I would come to pick you sharp at 11." She was on the seventh heaven...She din't had any idea that her letter would be accepted...Then she realized that she needs to hurry as she had only one day to prepare herself for the fairyland tour...she went out for shopping at the nearby mall..bought a beautiful pink gown, a pair of satin gloves, and a pair of pink pumps with a bow on it. She was super happy as she was now ready for the fairyland tour..

She took her dinner early as she had to get ready...she looked up at the great wall clock hanged in her room. It read 9.30. She had an hour and a half to prepare herself. She hurriedly pulled the gown from the hanger and put in on, put on the satin gloves and the pumps...she applied slight lipgloss on her she was all set for the tour..

She looked up at the wall it said 10.00 pm. It was still an hour before the blue fairy would come to fetch her up. She sat by her window, waiting for the blue fairy...her eyes shot skywards...

She started counting the stars...the moon was full...shining brightly above..the mellow breeze from the nearby orchards set a perfect end to the day..... she could feel the rustling of winds....Although it seemed like any other night..she knew it was different..there was magic in this night...she could feel it...she could smell it...her senses were on a high tonight...

She looked up at the clock once again..It said 10.50...her heart started racing...somehow she got a faint feeling that the time had come...she could hear her heartbeats now...she kept looking at the sky...

A shining figure emerged out of one of the stars...It grew bigger and bigger and then the blue fairy was standing on her window..The blue fairy looked up at her with eyes filled with admiration...she took her hands in hers..waved her wand in a flick and soon they were in front of a giant gateway...The blue fairy waved her wand and the gates stood open...she led her to a beautiful avenue flanked by silver trees...they kept walking and soon they reached a huge door made up of gold...they stood there for a moment and in the next moment it stood opened in front of them...

They were in a room full of candles... candles of different colors....having flames of different colors...she looked up...there was no roof in the room...she could see the shining moon and twinkling stars...there was still that unsaid feeling in the atmosphere...that was trying to say something...

She looked by her side..but to her surprise the blue fairy was no more..she was all alone in that room...she looked at the candles and the colorful flames they displayed...suddenly she felt a strange feeling...she turned find a handsome young prince gazing at her...her eyes met his...bluish green and glowing...she looked at him, managed to notice a faint mark on his forehead...his eyes were too intense for her to gaze..she looked away...

At that very moment a pixie entered the room flanked by soldiers on both sides. He said "The Queen fairy has sent for the two of you."The prince looked at her eyes...she looked back at his ...He took her hands in his and walked straight to the queens court...

It was huge...the queen fairy was sitting on a golden throne on a high plinth...The prince looked at her and said "Your majesty! I want to spend the rest of my life on earth."
she replies"May I know the reason behind this decision of yours?"
"Iam in love with this lady."he answers.
The queen looked up at him...and then at the girl...
The girl noticed that her eyes were filled with pride. Then she got up from her throne and approached the two of them, and said "Be happy my son!"

The prince then walked away with the girl towards a giant golden door and led her through a beautiful corridor to the main gate..There a white horse was waiting for them. He mounted himself and her on it and rode it into the air....

P.S: Please do not laugh if you find some of my obsessions in this post...:P

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

You are 'that' kind...

There is a 'this' kind..
At first glance you think 'wow'.....then later you think..'quite good'....then in a couple of days it becomes 'not bad'..and eventually 'ewww'...:P
After all we are teenagers(or in early twenties)..we do have the right to behave immaturely..:P

And then there is a 'that' kind...
You don't know them...but you know they are somewhere out there..thinking about you..wondering what you're doing at that very moment...and then one day you meet them and your heart leaps and whispers "This is the one!"And then both of you fall in love with each other and live happily ever after...

Feel Young...Be Young!!

A few days back..a friend of mine asked me to write an article on the topic..."WHEN I GROW UP"...Well that was a sarcastic remark from his side...but I am definitely gonna put that in words...

"WHEN I GROW UP..."..Its basically one of the lines I always use..I dunno how this habit creeped up on me...maybe from my childhood days...but I think its for the good...It definitely makes me feel younger..and believe me..much younger than I actually am...And sometimes it gets difficult for me to believe that I am gonna turn 20 in a few months...20!!...can you imagine!!...omg!!....thats would make two decades...and I feel like I have lived for not more than 5 years...!!

Many of my friends tease me when I say"
main jab badi ho jaungi main yeh karungi" saying..."When are you going to grow up??!!!" which I reply "I am already grown up!.."...but actually deep down in my heart, I secretly say to myself "Never!"...:P ...coz I dont want to!!...I love life the way it is!...At least it makes you feel that you are still young...It makes you WANT to live life...if not forever...just till the day you accomplish that "yeh"...
And sometimes thats all you want from life...A reason to keep it going...


Monday, April 5, 2010

Whats Right and Whats Wrong?

The other day one of my friends gave me a remark as "Whatever you did was wrong"...These lines kept coming to my mind throughout the day...kept disturbing me...I kept thinking if what I did was actually wrong...

Then I thought....What is actually right and what is wrong?...Why is something called the right thing and something else called the wrong thing?...Who decides whats right and whats wrong?
I kept thinking...
Then I realized that basically there is nothing called Right and Wrong..These are a set of standards laid by the society which one is supposed to follow....If you abide by these standards then you are Right and if you don't then you are Wrong...

The society is always orthodox...It never allows to think differently...If you take a look in the past, It has always been that the people who made a difference, always went against the society's standards...

Basically its in the way you perceive...Smoking may be the right thing for many of you, and a wrong thing for all comes down to what YOU think...If you think its the right thing, then no doubt it is..and if you think its not, then of course its not...Its all about YOU...If you can explain to yourself that what you did was right,then nothing can be wrong!!...After all, at the end of the day, its YOU who needs a sound sleep.....:)

A view from the window....

It was 4 o'clock in the afternoon....I was in my classroom, sitting by the window...It was an INTERIOR DESIGNING class. The teacher wanted us to design some areas that can fit into an 8x6 room. I chose a kindergarten classroom for myself. I had just started designing when suddenly my eyes fell on the view outside. The weather was fine as it had just stopped raining...The blue sky was creating perfect contrast with the ground, which was the color of sand....There were heaps of sand as some construction work was going on...and on it were three little kids trying to pluck berries from a tree with the help of pebbles...

I kept staring at the three of them...There was this little girl who was about 5 years of age and two kids, a little boy of about 4, and a little girl of about 3...The girl of five was throwing pebbles at the branches and the other two were collecting the berries from the ground ...then she distributed all the berries equally among themselves...I wonder if they had anything else in their little minds other than collecting berries...

I kept staring...

Suddenly my childhood days flashed before my eyes...the days when I used to collect berries like these kids...the days when I used to make small temples in the sand and place a small pebble as the deity....the days when owing a bicycle was the biggest achievement ever...the days when breaking the leg of a barbie used to spoil the entire week...the days when having a 10 rupee note in your pocket was like being the richest person on earth...the days when sometimes all we wanted to do was to blow a bubble gum properly...the days of sheer carefreeness....the days.... so simple beautiful....

I kept staring..........