Saturday, May 8, 2010

God made the word 'Right' and Man made the word 'Wrong'

'When God created this earth, he probably planned everything that would ever happen on it...and whatever is happening right now, weather wrong or right, are a part of a bigger plan made by God'...I think most of us agree on this ...Then why do we question on the creativity with which it has been created?...Why don't we understand that whatever happens, happens for a good reason? Why do we think that some things are wrong while others are right?

I believe that nothing can actually, in the true sense, be wrong... Everything is perfect the way it is..if you can't understand what I mean, then read the title again....

If you think that a 5 year old boy trying to steal food from people in trains is wrong, then I contradict you..If you think that a beggar begging money is wrong, then I contradict you..If you think that a young girl bitching about another girl in front of the guy she loves is wrong, then I contradict you...If you think that a man involved in the underworld is wrong then I contradict you.....And thats because you don't know what they are going don't know what they think....And most importantly, you are not them, and they are not you....So obviously they wont think the way you do....They have a different set of rules...Every person has...Its not written in the Bible, Gita or Quran that these things are wrong...and even if it you have any proof that God himself came on earth and wrote these sacred scriptures??

Man is a social animal...When a few men come together, they form a society...and with the formation of this society, are formed some rules...which are divided into two categories...'Right' and 'Wrong'......Every society has its own set of rules...And the men living in the society are supposed to follow them...but deep down they have their own set of rights and wrongs...And I believe that this set is much more important...because you can lie to the society, but you can't lie to your own reflection....And unless he is lying to his own reflection, nothing is wrong...


  1. Its just the Frame of reference.. depending on it, everything is right and everything is wrong..

  2. When God created you and me, he definitely planned what our desires would be...And nothing is wrong unless people lie to their own reflection...And talking about these incidents, the people who are involved in them don't think the way you or I do...or maybe they have some other compulsion which makes them do such things...I'm not saying you are wrong by thinking that these things are are human beings and you are a part of a society which says that these things are wrong...but societies do change with time and so does the way the people think...There was a time when hunting wasn't a wrong thing..but now the society has changed and so has its rules...and since we are a part of the latter, we think its wrong...But if you look at the bigger picture, nothing , in the true sense is wrong.

  3. too intelluctuall......yeah evryone is a saint of himself....

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Take God out of the equation and one can explain everything.

    "We know that God does not exist, or, at least, if he does, he’s utterly indifferent to our individual affairs—but we can’t let the rabble know that; it’s the fear of God, the threat of divine punishment and the promise of divine reward, that keeps in line those too unsophisticated to work out questions of morality on their own." - Robert J. Sawyer

  6. Im sorry but you cant justify the wrong doings of such acts on the basis of compulsion....because i believe there are times when people go wrong due to circumstances but those people realise it but there are people who dont want to realise. Society is made by the people so first yours and mine thinking came and then we made it society ideology it totally depends on you and me to change the thinking whenever a correction is required in thoughts.Lets not wait for the change .
    Well over all a nice post you .

  7. @Kenfire: the quote you wrote in your comment was said by Robert J. Sawyer...And if he(or even you) thinks that way, its not necessary that everyone else does...

  8. What I'm saying is..
    1. everything happens for a good reason.
    2.every person is right in what he does, no matter what he does, coz thats what he thinks is right at that very moment...and if he thinks he is wrong, then there must be some other outside agent that compels him to do so...

  9. The quote is not a quote but an extract from the book "Calculating God" by Robert J. Sawyer. In this book, the existence of God has been proven scientifically.

    What I'm saying is:
    1. God may or may not be existing
    2. If he/she/it exists, he/she/it just created universe, wrote the Grand Unified Theory, and released Panspermia so that intelligent life would develop eventually.
    3. If he/she/it exists, he/she/it will not influence anyone in anyway. Because it will force him/her/it to reveal himself/herself/itself.
    4. If God exists, he/she/it is not as described any ancient religion. There should be a new theory incorporating science into theology. And it should open to modification as science progresses.
    5. If God exists, what he/she/it did was not 'magic', it was a scientific procedure, which can be and hopefully will be repeated by humans or their successors in far future when technology becomes available.
    6. If God exists, he/she/it did not create Man/Woman in his/her/its image. But certainly foresaw the rise of Humans long ago (just like a supercomputer foresees every possible end of chess game).
    7. If God exists, we cannot communicate with his/her/it. As we do not know where he/she/it resides. It may be another galaxy and our radio waves will take billions of lightyears to reach it.

    I totally agree and am glad that my view is not shared by everyone.

  10. @kunmun: Its a thought of a very good heart.

  11. @KenFire:Its all about ones befiefs... If you think that God is something that can be explained or proved, I don't agree with you. Thats what YOU think...If you have read the book and think that way,you can carry on with your thoughts...everyone is free to think the way they want...I don't think that way...And moreover, Its my blog...I can write anything that I feel, think, or that happened to me...

  12. I am Secular, I respect others' belief. Sure it's your blog, your views. But my beliefs have fewer flaws.

    God wrote the rules, laid the cards and now passively watches as game goes on.

  13. If something cannot be proven or explained, it cannot exist.

    God (if he/she/it exists) is not supernatural but a superior being and his/her/its existence can be explained/proven.

    Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. -Arthur C.Clarke

  14. Chalo thik hai...tum jo kehte ho wahi sahi..

  15. I'm not lashing out at you. I just found the article interesting.

  16. Everything which exists cant be explained....thats wat we called mystery.....god is peace of mind and your own strength which u have when ur alone....or the positive energy all around..and i think evry1 feels it and it is proved always.....

  17. Agreed with Anonymous.

    @jadzz: Please show me something which exists but can't be explained.

  18. @kenfire : sorrry dear i cant show u.....may be u feel one day

  19. @jadzz: I do not understand what are you saying.

    Are you saying that you can see it but I cannot grasp even an edge because I do not have capability right now to grasp it? And someday when I reach your level, I will see. (Ouch, that hurt me.)

    Or are you saying that something can exist and its existence cannot be directly or indirectly proven? And this thing can create universes and affect our life without leaving a trace. (That's hilarious, you should be a comedian, man)

    I said never God does not exist. I said he/she/it may exist but not in the form defined traditionally.
