Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Semester VI

It’s hard to believe it’s that time of the year…again.Goodbye semester VI and welcome semester VII... Time to recap semester VI.

After coming to college, i have always felt that time goes a bit too fast..maybe because of this semester system, or maybe because of something else...

Semester VI was the most happening semester of my college life till now, i guess...I had a great time....It was THE semester...I would like to jot down some moments I don't wanna forget...
The semester started with Mamun nani's wedding (20th jan 2010).It was literally awesome...All my relatives, my cousins and most of my closest friends were there. I love you all...
When I came back to Raipur, a big tyrannosaurus was waiting for me...I had missed almost a month and so I couldnt afford to miss even a single day in college...Attending every class is a real big thing for someone like me..I managed though....
Went on a few road trips...discovered that I don't drive that bad either...
Reconnected with many of my long lost friends, It felt good..and made some real good friends, whom I'm never gonna let go...Got something I had been dreaming from a long time...Discovered many new things....and most importantly...discovered friendship...

This semester made me realise that that silence and solitude are the best things in the world. These things make you listen to the sounds you often miss in your everyday busy schedule. Things outside and inside. It has made me absorb my surroundings better...

So all in all this semester has discovered a better person in me...much more mature and much more confident...I'm still me inside...with a little better shell...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Its Green Man to the rescue!!!

I was on my way from college...I dint had change so I had to walk to my room...I reached my room, switched on the cooler and pushed myself on the bed.....As I laid stupefied, mystified and mesmerised by the sheer stupidity of Raipur's forest department, who would rather stop having food than stop chopping trees , a thought entered my mind....

What do we need here??

Actually what we need is a super hero.... One who can save us from ourselves... one who will have great power and great responsibility... who will show us that the human spirit can beat all odds...one who will teach us to be strong in the face of adversity and intolerant towards all evil....

Would it be Spiderman??...Superman??...Batman??...or should we have Prince...all rolled up in one??ummm......I dont think any of them would be willing to work in the climate of Raipur!....Raipur's hero will be Green Man... and will work from 10 to 2(when the solar villains are at their peak)

Now picture this...

You're on you way home on Saturday afternoon after college...and the solar villains are sucking out all the water from your body( just the way it shows in the glucon-d ad)... and all of a sudden you feel a tingle in the air and look up to the sky.... Is it a plane?.. Is it a bird?... Or is it a UFO???.... No.... Its Greenman to the rescue!!!!....dhaaann tttaaadddaaa...tada tada!!

He lands himself on Jaistabh chowk...and with the flick of a wand, plants rows of trees on both sides of the road... the mothers have tears in their eyes and kids are... well they still can't understand whats happening, while Yellow man(what else did you think the villain's name would be) getting red in agony, shouts "Oh! you f***ing bas***d, I'll get you next time."

His sidekick brown man(plzz tell me this din't surprise you) and sweetheart 'water girl' help him fight the evil masterminds like Water shortage and Road dust. And the people go mad...and Raipur becomes green like the green man...wwoooohoooo!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

God made the word 'Right' and Man made the word 'Wrong'

'When God created this earth, he probably planned everything that would ever happen on it...and whatever is happening right now, weather wrong or right, are a part of a bigger plan made by God'...I think most of us agree on this ...Then why do we question on the creativity with which it has been created?...Why don't we understand that whatever happens, happens for a good reason? Why do we think that some things are wrong while others are right?

I believe that nothing can actually, in the true sense, be wrong... Everything is perfect the way it is..if you can't understand what I mean, then read the title again....

If you think that a 5 year old boy trying to steal food from people in trains is wrong, then I contradict you..If you think that a beggar begging money is wrong, then I contradict you..If you think that a young girl bitching about another girl in front of the guy she loves is wrong, then I contradict you...If you think that a man involved in the underworld is wrong then I contradict you.....And thats because you don't know what they are going through...you don't know what they think....And most importantly, you are not them, and they are not you....So obviously they wont think the way you do....They have a different set of rules...Every person has...Its not written in the Bible, Gita or Quran that these things are wrong...and even if it is...do you have any proof that God himself came on earth and wrote these sacred scriptures??

Man is a social animal...When a few men come together, they form a society...and with the formation of this society, are formed some rules...which are divided into two categories...'Right' and 'Wrong'......Every society has its own set of rules...And the men living in the society are supposed to follow them...but deep down they have their own set of rights and wrongs...And I believe that this set is much more important...because you can lie to the society, but you can't lie to your own reflection....And unless he is lying to his own reflection, nothing is wrong...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Random III

Another week passed away....It was our viva week...much more horrible and much more tiring...sleepless nights...dark circles and the whole body aching terribly...You need to live this time to actually feel it...Its agonizing....both physically and mentally...

Last evening I went to print my auto cad drawings as I had my design viva today...the night before all of us were sleepless as we had a viva yesterday as well...we gave the viva and then went to print the sheets in the evening....we still had to make a model and suddenly I realized that we still have to buy the raw materials..I looked up at the wall clock and it was already 9... Vishi and Shatabdi rushed to get the model making stuff while we were in the printing lab....after some time they came back with the bad news that all the shops were closed....:(

Among my special talents is an extraordinary ability to blame others no matter how guilty I might be.... And it really helped in this case.... I ended up blaming all the people from my roommates to the shopkeeper at that shop to the people at Raipur for closing their shops so early...
So now we were left with no model making stuff, and it was already 10.30...we asked the man at the printing shop if he has some cartons...we got one!...and I was relieved ...at least something is better than nothing!!...
It was 11.30 when we came back....we were six people and one scooty....we couldn't find an auto so we hired a rickshaw...loaded ourselves on it...and headed back to our room....

The Rickshaw ride was just too good to be true......Me, Vishi, and Neha were on the scooty, and Lagna, Shatabdi and Heena were in the Rickshaw....we were riding side by side.....there was virtually no traffic at that time...and we took advantage of the situation to the fullest......shouting, singing songs, cracking jokes (I know there is nothing unusual in this...but if you undergo through the traumatic experience of the vivas for once, you would definitely understand what I mean)....there was madness all over...the road also enjoyed the time with a bunch of crazy kids.....and so did we...

We reached the room at around quarter to 12...I had my dinner and started working on the sheets...I had some corrections to make, and then started with the model...I always enjoy this model making part of my curriculum...It makes me feel like myself...

And after all this pain and toil, comes the inviting semester breaks....Going home from college is always inviting....It's always something I look forward to from at least a month in advance...and I think most of us do... Semester breaks are specially sweet because of this grueling compress......
But somehow between these hard times we live the most precious moments of our lives...some moments we gonna remember for years to come...and when we all grow up and get busy with our own lives we'll definitely look back to these moments...

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Finally I am over with my semester exams, and I can pour out all that I am holding inside for the last one week. I haven't felt the need to blog more desperately than I am feeling right now...so prepare yourself while a take a deep breath and start from the start...

This week has been an interesting one...actually the thing is..I love the exam times...especially after coming to Raipur...I would blame my course for that...It keeps me so burdened all year round with submissions, that I enjoy the times when I don't have this burden on my head...The only bad thing is that we have to write our papers in a classroom which is not less than an oven..:(

But the most beautiful thing this week offered was the rain...It was a welcoming break...A reason to pull my nose out of my lappy and take the smell of the first rains...the cool air gently touching your cheeks and the mild fragrance which the air carries with itself....ohh I love it soo much...And the scorching heat of Raipur makes it even more special...the leaves and branches of the trees would relieve their parching throats, bending and submitting themselves to the heavy downpour...

Today was the 2nd time it rained in this week...or I can say...this month...The rains have always been something I look forward to..something I wait eagerly for...I just love the gole guppas and the rickshaw rides...Today was a whole rainy day package....long walks, rickshaw rides, gole guppas, slight drizzling...ohhh..it was awesome!!...something I'l remember for days to come...Right now while I'm sitting in my room and writing this blog, the cool breeze with the aroma of wet bark is gently sweeping past my cheeks.....mmmmm...delicious!!

I have always enjoyed the rains, and will continue to do so.... In the present circumstances it will require extra efforts from me...I don't mind though - anything for that refreshing feeling and that breathtaking beauty of nature that comes with the rains. It can magically pull me away from everything else around me, and make me forget everything... Everything!