Sunday, July 25, 2010


When changes comes, they does more or less leave a scar on everything.... The scar might be a good one, as some would use it as remembrance... but in most cases it would be a hurting one.... 

I hate changes sometimes....I'm not a flexible person... I don't adapt to new environments or people that easily.... The worse kind of changes that i hate to experience are those flash or instant changes.... those that happen so sudden.... you imagine today you're having a happy day and the next day you have a whole streak of unhappy incidents and it happens with the same party and same variables.... Sometimes i even get misunderstood for changes.... Sometimes those changes looks positive on the surface, but turns out negative when you get deeper into it...

Sometimes, you see a light shining the path in front of you and you naturally thought it was hope... but it turns out that the hopeful path will only lead you to a dead end where you can't even turn back.... every step u took in this path, you put more hopes on it.... but the higher the hopes, the harder you fall.... But in most situations, you didn't choose this path.... its just so natural that you want to walk on it coz u hope for something more....But you get cant change anything ...and you desperately hope you could do something about it...but still you cant...

And thats how things are cant do anything about it...but still you hope that some miracle would happen and you would be rescued from your present situation...coz thats the only thing you can do...HOPE!

1 comment:

  1. every dead end leads to a new hope.....and series of hopes finally leads to the bright destination....lead by the changes...dont be so rigid to them...being pessimistic . Enjoy them wid being optimistic
